Update sidebar settings field Excerpt Body for content to show here.
Shop by Category
Create a linklist with title Category Filter for links to show here.
Shop by Price
Create a linklist with title Price Filter for links to show here.
Shop by Brand
Create a linklist with title Brand Filter for links to show here.
So this is a delicious t-shirt.
You can literally eat it. Like no kidding, pull it out straight from the can, and start munching. Oh, just be careful not to swallow your tongue.
Nothing beats the thrill of swallowing a whole t-shirt eh?
First you need to add your products to a Collection. A Collection is an easy way to group products together. If you go to the Collections Tab of the administration menu you can begin creating collections and adding products to them.
Second you’ll need to create a link from your shop’s navigation menu to your Collections. You can do this by going to the Navigations Tab of the administration menu and clicking on “Add a link”.
Good luck with your shop!